Option 2: Import Pictures into Photos App with Drag & Drop from the File System You can then browse them and access them as usual in Photos app for Mac OS X. The pictures will be imported quickly into the open library and automatically arranged by their date as determined by the images EXIF data. Choose “Import All New Photos” to bring all selected images into the Photos app (Optionally: you can select and deselect images into the review screen to narrow down the image import).Navigate to and select the picture(s) you wish to import into Photos app, then click on “Review for Import”.Open Photos app and pull down the File menu, then choose “Import…”.You can use this to access any image files contained within the file system of Mac OS X, whether the pictures are in a folder or several, on an external hard drive, a mounted memory card, or anything else accessible by the Mac Finder. Perhaps the easiest option to bring new pictures into the Photos app in Mac OS X is to simply use the File menu Import option. Option 1: Importing New Pictures into Photos App with the Import Menu You can transfer photos from an iPhone, memory card, or camera to the Photos app with these instructions if needed. This is aimed at importing images into the Photos app from within the file system. Onward with importing new pictures into the MacOS Photos app! How to Import Images Into Photos App on Mac This tutorial is primarily aimed at importing image files directly into Photos app in Mac OS X, but if you’d like to move an iPhoto library or Aperture library into Photos app, another guide covers that with a different migration process.

Whether you want to add pictures to Photos app from a folder on your Mac, somewhere else in the file system, or an external drive, we’ve got you covered.